Highly Linear 20 GHz-Micromixer in SiGe Bipolar Technology (1)

M Do, Dubuc, Coustou, Tournier, Ancey, Plana
(2) Paul Sabatier University-118, route de Narbonne 31062 TOULOUSE-France-Tel. : +33 (0)5 61 55 66 11 (3) STMicroelectronics-850, rue Jean Monnet F-38926 CROLLES CEDEX-France-Tel. : +33 (0)4 76 92 65 86 Abstract-An active mixer operating at 20 GHz based on the Gilbert Micromixer topology was designed and fabricated in SiGe technology. High performances are measured and especially an excellent linearity for moderate current consumption is demonstrated. The circuit shows an Output IP3 of +12 dBm
more » ... nd a conversion gain Gc of +7.7 dB for an optimum LO power of only-2 dBm. The bias current in the entire circuit is only 25 mA for a chip size of 1.8 x 2 mm².