Joint segmentation and classification of human actions in video

Minh Hoai, Zhen-Zhong Lan, Fernando De la Torre
2011 CVPR 2011  
Automatic video segmentation and action recognition has been a long-standing problem in computer vision. Much work in the literature treats video segmentation and action recognition as two independent problems; while segmentation is often done without a temporal model of the activity, action recognition is usually performed on pre-segmented clips. In this paper we propose a novel method that avoids the limitations of the above approaches by jointly performing video segmentation and action
more » ... ition. Unlike standard approaches based on extensions of dynamic Bayesian networks, our method is based on a discriminative temporal extension of the spatial bag-of-words model that has been very popular in object recognition. The classification is performed robustly within a multi-class SVM framework whereas the inference over the segments is done efficiently with dynamic programming. Experimental results on honeybee, Weizmann, and Hollywood datasets illustrate the benefits of our approach compared to state-of-the-art methods.
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2011.5995470 dblp:conf/cvpr/NguyenLT11 fatcat:5bbfxq5p4fe73bxd5rqinwkzti