A Methodology to Improve Knock Tendency Prediction in High Performance Engines

Stefano Fontanesi, Giuseppe Cicalese, Alessandro d'Adamo, Giuseppe Cantore
2014 Energy Procedia  
The paper presents a comprehensive numerical methodology for the estimation of knock tendency in SI engines, based on the synergic use of different frameworks [1]. 3D-CFD in-cylinder analyses are used to simulate the combustion and to estimate the point-wise heat flux acting on engine components. The resulting heat fluxes are used in a conjugate heat transfer model in order to reconstruct the actual point-wise wall temperature distribution. An iterative loop is established between the two
more » ... tion realms. In order to evaluate the effect of temperature on knock, in-cylinder analyses are integrated with an accurate chemical description of the actual fuel.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.01.082 fatcat:mhgpnhyr2bah7fenji4fvpdc2a