Pseudotoothed Birds (Aves, Odontopterygiformes) from the Early Tertiary of Morocco

Estelle Bourdon, Mbarek Amaghzaz, Baâdi Bouya
2010 American Museum Novitates  
We describe here new specimens of pseudotoothed birds (Odontopterygiformes) from the Upper Paleocene and Lower Eocene of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco. These Lower Paleogene fossils are among the oldest representatives of the Odontopterygiformes and include braincases, beak fragments, and long bones. Dasornis toliapica (Owen, 1873) (2-3 m wingspan) and Dasornis emuinus (Bowerbank, 1854) (3.5-4.5 m wingspan) were initially described from the Lower Eocene London Clay of Sheppey, England. The
more » ... species Dasornis abdoun (1.5-1.7 m wingspan) constitutes the smallest species of pseudotoothed bird ever discovered. We partly revise the oversplit taxonomy of the odontopterygiforms: the two species from the Paleogene of England and Morocco are regarded as congeneric, the name Dasornis having priority over the name Odontopteryx. We also synonymize Neptuniavis minor Harrison and Walker, 1977 , and Macrodontopteryx oweni Harrison and Walker, 1976, with D. toliapica (Owen, 1873. Moreover, the genera Pelagornis Lartet, 1857, and Osteodontornis Howard, 1957, are regarded as pertaining to one single taxonomic entity that corresponds to the Pelagornis morphotype. In Dasornis, the morphological peculiarities of the humerus that are related to gliding flight are less pronounced than in Pelagornis. The latter taxon includes exceedingly specialized gliders that were most likely unable of sustained flapping flight and relied almost entirely on winds to provide lift. Pseudotoothed birds pertaining to the Dasornis morphotype were more generalists and could probably undertake flapping flight, even if limited. The species of Dasornis were soaring pelagic feeders that could disperse over large territories like extant albatrosses. They formed large breeding colonies near the shore of the
doi:10.1206/3704.2 fatcat:tzfeauhk7zdc7nefmecv3s4dcq