A detector tree of boosted classifiers for real-time object detection and tracking

R. Lienhart, Luhong Liang, A. Kuranov
2003 2003 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME '03. Proceedings (Cat. No.03TH8698)  
This paper presents a novel tree classifier for complex object detection tasks together with a general framework for real-time object tracking in videos using the novel tree classifier. A boosted training algorithm with a clustering-and-splitting step is employed to construct branches in the nodes recursively, if and only if it improves the discriminative power compared to a single monolithic node classifier and has a lower computational complexity. A mouth tracking system that integrates the
more » ... ee classifier under the proposed framework is built and tested on XM2FDB database. Experimental results show that the detection accuracy is equal or better than a single or multiple cascade classifier, while being computational less demanding.
doi:10.1109/icme.2003.1221607 dblp:conf/icmcs/LienhartLK03 fatcat:uil5n3ro4zciho73wm4ldmvgvy