Flexural Capacity of the Composite Beam using Angle as a Shear Connector

2015 Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction  
In this study, Composite beam flexural capacity was investigated experimentally using angle as a shear connector. The main experimental parameters are the size and the spacing of the angle and the overall behavior of before and after composite. Also, the composite beam bending performance when it used with hollow PC slab and the general RC slab was compared. When determining that it synthetically, the flexural capacity of the composite beam with angle shear connector estimated 25% to 55% more
more » ... rength than the nominal strength. Effects of strength parameters of composite beam by angles shear connector are size and spacing of the angle. As expected, the larger and the narrower spacing of the angles, the more strength the composite beam have. In addition, the performance of the composite beam with a hollow slab was well demonstrated by the test.
doi:10.7781/kjoss.2015.27.1.063 fatcat:ke3bw5l73rbmxggdthdhac53iu