Circulating proteomic patterns in AF related left atrial remodeling indicate involvement of coagulation and complement cascade [article]

Jelena Kornej, Petra Büttner, Elke Hammer, Beatrice Engelmann, Borislav Dinov, Philipp Sommer, Daniela Husser, Gerhard Hindricks, Uwe Völker, Andreas Bollmann
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
Left atrial (LA) electro-anatomical remodeling and diameter increase in atrial fibrillation (AF) indicates disease progression and is associated with poor therapeutic success. Furthermore, AF leads to a hypercoagulable state, which in turn promotes the development of a substrate for AF and disease progression in the experimental setting. The aim of this study was to identify pathways associated with LA remodeling in AF patients using untargeted proteomics approach. Methods: Peripheral blood
more » ... les of 48 patients (62±10 years, 63% males, 59% persistent AF) undergoing AF catheter ablation were collected before ablation. 24 patients with left atrial low voltage areas (LVA), defined as
doi:10.1101/327759 fatcat:4p5ijz2esbezngfvkwi74uvmoy