Time-Space Fractional Coupled Generalized Zakharov-Kuznetsov Equations Set for Rossby Solitary Waves in Two-Layer Fluids

Lei Fu, Yaodeng Chen, Hongwei Yang
2019 Mathematics  
In this paper, the theoretical model of Rossby waves in two-layer fluids is studied. A single quasi-geostrophic vortex equation is used to derive various models of Rossby waves in a one-layer fluid in previous research. In order to explore the propagation and interaction of Rossby waves in two-layer fluids, from the classical quasi-geodesic vortex equations, by employing the multi-scale analysis and turbulence method, we derived a new (2+1)-dimensional coupled equations set, namely the
more » ... ed Zakharov-Kuznetsov(gZK) equations set. The gZK equations set is an extension of a single ZK equation; they can describe two kinds of weakly nonlinear waves interaction by multiple coupling terms. Then, for the first time, based on the semi-inverse method and the variational method, a new fractional-order model which is the time-space fractional coupled gZK equations set is derived successfully, which is greatly different from the single fractional equation. Finally, group solutions of the time-space fractional coupled gZK equations set are obtained with the help of the improved ( G ′ / G ) -expansion method.
doi:10.3390/math7010041 fatcat:yo3rje6j6nfctisisgtyk3rn5e