Effect of Horticultural Activities Program on the Stress, Self-Esteem and Quality of Life in a High School Students
고등학생에 대한 원예프로그램의 건강증진 효과 : 스트레스, 자아존중감, 삶의 질을 중심으로

Youn-Jung Mun, Jin-Joo Oh
2013 Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion  
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the horticultural activity program on high school students' stress, self-esteem and quality of life. Methods: Research method used in this was nonequivalent control group pre-test and post-test design. The number of students in experimental and control group were 25 students; The horticultural activities were conducted 15 times twice a week from May 30 th 2012 to July 18 th 2012. Results: There were statistically significant
more » ... erences of stress scores(F=12.678, p=.001) self-esteem scores(t=-2.836, p=.009), quality of life scores (t=-2.958, p=.007) between the experimental and control group. Conclusions: Based on the results, horticultural activity program for high school students was effective in decreasing stress, increasing self-esteem and quality of life. Therefore the horticultural activity program can be adopted as a effective intervention for high school students.
doi:10.14367/kjhep.2013.30.5.153 fatcat:hcfiiktaavhajgflx4ga22r3ii