A self-configuring MANET for coverage area adaptation through kinematic control of a platoon of mobile robots

G. Antonelli, F. Arrichiello, S. Chiaverini, R. Setola
2005 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
This paper investigates the implementation of a wireless mobile ad-hoc network to guarantee that an autonomously driven mobile vehicle remains connected to a limited-coverage base antenna during its motion. To the purpose, the use of a platoon of mobile robots is proposed to carry a number of repeater antennas; these must be suitably moved to dynamically ensure a multi-hop communication link to the vehicle that extends outside the area covered by the sole base antenna. Self configuration of the
more » ... robots' platoon is then achieved by a singularity-robust task-priority inverse kinematics algorithm via the definition of suitable task functions. The obtained simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
doi:10.1109/iros.2005.1545160 dblp:conf/iros/AntonelliACS05 fatcat:vqcqwbkjpnbszddcyj2um4qwli