Validation of the ImageJ package for alpha track counting on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors

M. Alexandropoulou, D. Sarigiannidis, C. Papachristodoulou, K. Stamoulis, K. G. Ioannides
2019 HNPS Proceedings  
In the present work, an alpha spectroscopic method using CR39 nuclear track detectors is being evaluated, elaborating on track parameters from different alpha particle sources. The freely-available, Java-based ImageJ software was used to obtain the major and minor axis length, the area and the mean gray level of the recorded tracks. A multi-paramater approach based on Principal Component Analysis of the data was subsequently applied and succeeded in grouping the recorded tracks according to
more » ... a-particle energy. The methodology was further applied for the separation of radon progeny on CR39 detectors exposed in a radon chamber.
doi:10.12681/hnps.1873 fatcat:6te5d4aiovb5zdl5ayuocsdjxm