Use of IT platform in determination of efficiency of mining machines

Jarosław Brodny, Magdalena Tutak, T.A. Przylibski, D. Kasza
2018 E3S Web of Conferences  
Determination of effective use of mining devices has very significant meaning for mining enterprises. High costs of their purchase and tenancy cause that these enterprises tend to the best use of possessed technical potential. However, specifics of mining production causes that this process not always proceeds without interferences. Practical experiences show that determination of objective measure of utilization of machine in mining enterprise is not simple. In the paper a proposition for
more » ... ion of this problem is presented. For this purpose an IT platform and overall efficiency model OEE were used. This model enables to evaluate the machine in a range of its availability performance and quality of product, and constitutes a quantitative tool of TPM strategy. Adapted to the specificity of mining branch the OEE model together with acquired data from industrial automatic system enabled to determine the partial indicators and overall efficiency of tested machines. Studies were performed for a set of machines directly use in coal exploitation process. They were: longwall-shearer and armoured face conveyor, and beam stage loader. Obtained results clearly indicate that degree of use of machines by mining enterprises are unsatisfactory. Use of IT platforms will significantly facilitate the process of registration, archiving and analytical processing of the acquired data. In the paper there is presented methodology of determination of partial indices and total OEE together with a practical example of its application for investigated machines set. Also IT platform was characterized for its construction, function and application.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20182900014 fatcat:jxsrqymljrfxlckylhsgv6t5x4