OFDM MIMO radar design for low-angle tracking using mutual information

Satyabrata Sen, Arye Nehorai
2009 2009 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP)  
We develop an information theoretic waveform design algorithm for target tracking in the presence of multipath. We employ a co-located multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) radar configuration using wideband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signalling scheme. Apart from the frequency diversity provided by OFDM, we also exploit polarization to resolve the multipath signals by using polarization-sensitive transceivers. Thus, we can track the scattering coefficients of the target
more » ... t different frequencies along with its position and velocity. We apply a sequential Monte Carlo method (particle filter) to track the target, while integrating an optimal waveform design technique based on mutual information criterion. Our numerical examples demonstrate the achieved performance improvement due to the adaptive waveform design.
doi:10.1109/camsap.2009.5413311 fatcat:y3ykzbocnndq3khceslolaznt4