Nanaimo Free Press [Friday, June 3, 1898] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
PIG-NIC GOODS Â.R.J0HNST0)( & Go Importers and Commission Merchants ^ Wharfingers and Steamboat Agents y WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DEALERS IN finmries, Frovisioiis and Farm Prodnoe § STMWIEBMES [ii the lions N S ■ Send your orders at onoe-to secure m supply^for preserving a few weeks 3 later, o _ ^ Tents all Sim. s Minen Toot* »ml OutflU W»terprool '• Rubber 8h«U 7ni-Oomi ibber Bla^keta 00x» iDcii. x90 inch. Rubber BtimU 4SsiO loch , " YukonMineFsOQtlitteilwithDispateh Ŵ Freight Rates to Dawson can
more » ... e contracted H g for at 10 cents per pound. H g Supplies can be obtained from us and forwarded on basis of above freight ratea Agents-E. & N. Railway, P. C. 8S. Company, C. P. N. Company, Davidge & Co. Bteamerfl.| , And Alaskan Steamers. "Suw J"-Ck-haih Oat, write, i-"! MbMoamArtr bom Oatairh for 18 ytma It bowa. ohrooto .nd 1 lud giv«a 1 At ooo. itartad wd un pleaMd to M.U tkno boxM offeoUd . oMopUta cun, and 1 "--------------ditto uyoM nOaiag «r ttiw mure uonunent, DnrunnwwA is hMwmy, M today, *n«tiunh. 11 L?b ction ol a railway line . Railway track near lo'oe'^riuro Bay from where the coal 'theLexawira MiniwlUbe •hippwi.
doi:10.25316/ir-10526 fatcat:wlsh77xv6beqtjhsrdofqycgau