Improving the performance of a Publish-Subscribe message broker

Rafael Rocha, Luis Lino Ferreira, Claudio Maia, Pedro Souto, Pal Varga
2019 2019 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC)  
The Arrowhead Framework, a SOA-basedframework for IoT applications, provides the Event Handlersystem: a publish/subscribe broker implemented withREST/HTTP(S). However, the existing implementation of theEvent Handler suffers from message latency problems that arenot acceptable for industrial applications. Thus, this paperdescribes the refactoring process of this system that enabled itto reach acceptable levels of latency. Abstract-The Arrowhead Framework, a SOA-based framework for IoT
more » ... s, provides the Event Handler system: a publish/subscribe broker implemented with REST/HTTP(S). However, the existing implementation of the Event Handler suffers from message latency problems that are not acceptable for industrial applications. Thus, this paper describes the refactoring process of this system that enabled it to reach acceptable levels of latency.
doi:10.1109/isorc.2019.00027 dblp:conf/isorc/RochaFMSV19 fatcat:ilih45qjybeafnrbhwmxreqq7u