Percutaneous Ethanol Injection Therapy for Lateral Cervical Cysts

Katsunari Yane, Hiroshi Hosoi, Hiroshi Miyahara
2003 Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  
Eight patients with lateral cervical cyst were successfully treated with percutaneous ethanol injection therapy (PEIT) under ultrasonographic guidance. Ethanol (range, 2-8ml) was injected after complete aspiration of the cyst. Several cysts required more than one injection and an interval until at least 2 months before remission. The main complication was local and transient pain at injection. There were no severe or permanent complications encountered. A therapeutic effect, when the cyst
more » ... er was decreased to less than 1-2cm, was obtained in all patients. There was no recurrence during a follow up of more than 2 years. The results suggest that PEIT using ultrasonography is a useful therapy for lateral cervical cyst.
doi:10.5631/jibirin.96.161 fatcat:kdw2z7xdsfdntnpi6te46wpgvy