She, You and They – More Actors on the Creativity Research Stage!

Eva Hoff, Ingegerd Carlsson
2015 Creativity Theories – Research – Applications  
The commentary confirms and builds on Glăveanu's critical scrutiny of the current stage of creativity research. The need for more actors, theories, methods and definitions will not be fulfilled until critical reflection concerning what has been done and synthesis between different research attempts are achieved. The authors first expand the creativity stage by discussing what will happen in creativity research attempts if we alternate with a " she, you and they" perspective? They then present a
more » ... new definition of creativity. Creativity is seen as a collective, generative, novel way of experiencing reality ending with the idea of a shared product that is evaluated as creative in a relevant context. This definition is in line with the development of a new creativity tool or measurement, the Test for Distributed Creativity in Organizational Groups (DOG). The DOG can be used both for measuring the products of creative groups and investigating their processes.
doi:10.1515/ctra-2015-0005 fatcat:tc6zwu3nuvbhhaxdv7kdngqfde