INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES & RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY Effects of visual conflicts on 3D Object Picking Process In Non Immersive Virtual Environment

M Sathik, K Merriliance
2014 Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.449 (ISRA)   unpublished
Object Picking in Virtual Environments is one of the main tasks along with travel and manipulation. It deals with indicating objects and has been implemented with multiple techniques, each trying to improve performance measures such as accuracy, speed and task completion time. Various interaction techniques have been developed for interactive 3D environments. This paper presents an effect of Visual Conflicts on 3D object Picking Process in Non Immersive virtual Environment. There are a few
more » ... mental pointing-based user interaction techniques for performing pick process. One of these techniques is based on ray casting, which makes selections by determining intersections of objects with the mouse click. In this paper I describe about an object picking algorithm with embedded coding and present a simple yet effective application-independent for 3D input devices. We also discuss a differential geometry based surface constraint that can be applied to the 3D cursor position for improving points matching.