Protocol for the assessment of self-harm in young people: initial audit and training implications

Sarah Huline-Dickens, Tony Adiele
2007 Psychiatric bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists  
Aims and Methods This paper describes the development and initial audit of a protocol for the assessment of young people up to the age of 18 years who presented to the accident and emergency department (A&E) with self-harm. A key part of the project was education and training. Results Regular training of senior house officers (SHOs) in A&E may have contributed to an increase in young people being admitted to a bed for proper assessment (as per the protocol), but psychosocial assessments
more » ... undertaken by SHOs in A&E were still only partial, and there was no apparent use of the mental state examination. Clinical Implications Child and adolescent mental health services have an important role to play in liaising with local A&E departments in training of junior staff in psychosocial assessment and the use of the mental state examination. This is especially relevant in the light of the new training requirements of the foundation years.
doi:10.1192/pb.bp.105.007963 fatcat:m2anbgo6efdwphlg6xnnourfwq