Reduced order modeling of delayed PEEC circuits

Francesco Ferranti, Michel Nakhla, Giulio Antonini, Tom Dhaene, Luc Knockaert, Albert E. Ruehli
2011 2011 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium  
We propose a novel model order reduction technique that is able to accurately reduce electrically large systems with delay elements, which can be described by means of neutral delayed differential equations. It is based on an adaptive multipoint expansion and model order reduction of equivalent first order systems. The neutral delayed differential formulation is preserved in the reduced model. Pertinent numerical results validate the proposed model order reduction approach. Index Terms-Delayed
more » ... artial Element Equivalent Circuit method, reduced order systems, neutral delayed differential equations.
doi:10.1109/mwsym.2011.5972639 fatcat:vzqce2lhpra3hmvystvrdcsxju