Precise Determination of the Pion-Nuclear Coupling Parameter from Weak Processes in3He

Nimai C. Mukhopadhyay, K. Junker
1996 Physical Review Letters  
We utilize precise weak interaction experiments on atomic muon capture and beta decay in the A = 3 nuclei, and take into account the effects of nuclear "anomalous thresholds" to extract the pseudoscalar pi-^3He-^3H coupling parameter, G^eff(m_π^2) = 45.8+- 2.4. This is an order of magnitude improvement in precision over that from the use of pion-nuclear scattering data and dispersion relations.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.77.5342 pmid:10062779 fatcat:2d7xeogcurfwrishswtpr6jsvi