The Value of D-dimer Test for Diagnosis of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in Kuwait Neurological Center

Al Hashel JY Ahmed SF
2015 Emergency Medicine Open Access  
Plasma levels of D-dimer shown to be elevated and sensitive for the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis including cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT). Objective: To assess the usefulness of serum D-dimer level, for the diagnosis of CVT. Subjects and Methods: This retrospective analysis included 65 patients who was diagnosed with cerebral venous thrombosis proved by magnetic resonance venography (MRV) or computed tomographic venography (CTV), from Jan. 2005 up to Dec. 2014. The patient's files were
more » ... llected and the data were extracted for the study. Based on these data, the usefulness of serum D-dimer level for the diagnosis of CVT, were analyzed. Results: The records of 23 male and 42 female were taken for this clinical review. The D-dimer level were elevated in 42 patients (64.6%) versus 23 patients (35.4%) with normal level; P <0.018. Eight patients had slight elevation of D-dimer level (200-500 ngm/ml), 18 patients had moderate elevation of D-dimer level (500-1000 ngm/ml) and 16 patients had very high level of D-dimer (1000-2000 ng/ml). The sensitivity and specificity of predicting cerebral venous sinus thrombosis using D-dimer were 64.6% and 71.5%. The pattern of venous sinuses involved, the neurological deficits were different and did not correlate with serum D-dimer levels (r=0.18, P<0.108). Conclusion: Raised D-dimer level are often helpful for early diagnosis of CVT and an important screening tool to determine the early need of neuroimaging in patients who are suspected of CVT.
doi:10.4172/2165-7548.1000265 fatcat:xhzpyja5lbhtfakhnjquyqodr4