Measuring Moisture Permeability of Packing Materials with the Electric Hygrometer

1956 journal of the Japan Society for Testing Materials  
Formerly some informations were given by the present authors concerning with an electric hygrometer devised originally by them. The apparatus is applicable and effective to measure the permeability of moisture of various kinds of materials in sheet form. As the anti-moisture properties are very important for packing materials the electric hygrometer was applied for the purpose of measuring moisture permeability of those materials this time. The method of the measurement enables us to observe
more » ... sture penetration moment by moment and to judge the degree of the moisture permeability of a specimen within one hour, i.e., the time amount to only one 70th of that required in ordinary weighing method. Fig. 1. Arrangement for measuring moisture permeability of a sheet specimen.
doi:10.2472/jsms1952.5.423 fatcat:wy6jg7e37zdk7lxpgvz5ivy2ly