Nyuonguo Kenneth Nsom, Margaret Maih Teih, Fabian Sundjo
2019 International journal of research - granthaalayah  
The focus of this paper has been to present how transactional and transformational leadership styles affect personnel conduct. A review of the literal works of others in relation to the practical application of these leadership styles as observed in the management of projects and the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) central administration leadership, has been the inspiration to the conclusions made. From the empirical qualitative study conducted on 30 personnel, transactional
more » ... leadership is all about personnel providing services, receiving payment (rewards) and or sanctions from the leadership. Results indicates that subordinates are either praised for hard work or sanctioned for failure to provide results or to meet up expectations as attested by 53% of the respondents. However, 60% observation indicates that transactional leadership through remuneration will facilitate goal attainment but general observation from the organization from full time employees, indicates that it will demotivate staff and slow down work. Interviews with some technical staff on the type of leadership style practiced by the department on project sites proved that transactional leadership has a negative impact on personnel conduct and can likely lead to the non-completion of projects. On the other hand, following the qualitative assessment, observation from the practice of transformational leadership style by the CBCHS central administration top leadership proves that the leadership style is primordial if leadership want to continue attend the goals of the organization and should be continue to be practiced. 86.7% of the personnel feel comfortable with the transformational leadership style of the top leadership style of the organization.
doi:10.29121/granthaalayah.v7.i6.2019.784 fatcat:mplad6hqlffzfhua22yuimzu7i