Kinds of vector solitons for electromagnetic wave propagation in nonlinear left-handed materials

Li-Chen Zhao
2012 Results in Physics  
Soliton solutions are presented on nontrivial backgrounds of the coupled system which governs the evolution of electromagnetic wave propagating in nonlinear left-handed materials. We find that there are much more abundant structural solitons or Akhmediev breathers than the ones on trivial background. The hard-wall like reflection effects are observed during the collision of bright, dark, Akhmediev breather with Akhmediev breathers. There are possibilities to observe that one dark soliton
more » ... iev breather) collides with an Akhmediev breather and emerges into another dark soliton (Akhmediev breather) in the coupled system.
doi:10.1016/j.rinp.2012.10.007 fatcat:wk3hccdaofe5pjic3wwc6hcgtm