S101013 Seismic damage examples of industrial facilities in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake : Part 1: Outline of the earthquake and damage
S101013 東日本大震災における工場の被害状況例 : その1,地震と被害の概要

2012 The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress Japan  
Seismic damage exampies of industrial faci 且 ities in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake ( Part 1:0utline of the earthquake and damage ) Izumi NAKAMURA ' t , Satoshi FUJITA and Keisuke MINAGAWA ' ] National Research lnstitute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention 3 − 1, Tennodai, Tsukuba − shi, Ibaraki , 305 − 0006 Japan In l hh March 2011 , Great East Japan Earthquake that has Mw 9. 0 attacked to East Japan, and it caused serious damage not only to human but also to industrial facilities
more » ... and so on , In addition , lifelines , such as water , electric power and so on were broken and the quake − hit area was wide . Therefbre the disaster had a harmful influence on the Japanese industry . In order to investigate factors of the seismic damage of mechanical structure and improve preparedness for the future earthquakes , The Japan Society ofMechanical Engineers ( JSME ) has set up an investigation committee . This paper describes the seismic damages ofindustrial facilities by the 201 1 Great East Japan Earthquake. The features of the disaster were wide quake −hit area and after quake , The quake − hit area was so wide , thus supply chains damaged as well . Large damage was caused by after quakes f沁 m small failure that was suffered by the main quake ,
doi:10.1299/jsmemecj.2012._s101013-1 fatcat:sn46t267aremfjeqjahhogrobm