О Некоторых Аспектах Междисциплинарной Парадигмы Исследования

Колокол Вадим Анатольевич
2016 Zenodo  
An article is devoted to the analyzing thesis of being inappropriate to set the natural and fundamental sciences against the social sciences as the common notion did. The conclusion is drawn to be possible to apply to the consistent methodology for these sciences. Natural sciences always had impact on the human world view. In the era of modern times the classical mechanics has formulated the principles of a mechanistic determinism. These ideas made an impact on the authors of the most known
more » ... epts in the philosophy of history. They considered civilizations as clockworks, which possess the determined scenario of development. In the 20th century the theory of relativity, opening a genetic code in biology and determined chaos in physics forced researchers to detect the general methodology. Synergetics, revealed at the end of the 20th century, became a new paradigm for investigation of various sciences. The article presents the highlights of foundation for criticism of the most known concepts in the philosophy of history. Each concept, related to the philosophy of history, has got its weak spots. It is connected with the different empirical material, which doesn't suit to the framework of this concept. The modern approach to the theory of Chaos allows speaking about 4 basic attractors, which govern an order in the Universe. These attractors are represented by dot attractor, cyclic attractor, attractor Toras and strange attractor. Authors on the reputed concepts in the philosophy of history distinguish civilizations within the cyclic attractor. Whereas their critics concentrate their attention on cultural phenomena, influenced by the strange attractor. It is concluded by the article that reviewing the history taking into account these four attractors would sufficiently complete the entire pattern.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.57522 fatcat:jyvcsm2tqrd4hjfjdjxtfdkn3u