Keeping Community Stakeholders Informed About the Rationale for Program Changes

Kirsten Limpert, John Morton
2017 The Advocate  
Communication is the key element in much of education. Gathering input and utilizing the information to help educators understand community perceptions is a vehicle that has long been underutilized in schools. This article will examine the historical perspectives of involvement and communication and provide concrete suggestions for keeping all stakeholders informed about the continually changing landscape of education. The authors use communication about Common Core State Standards as an
more » ... for keeping stakeholders informed about school change. Abstract Communication is the key element in much of education. Gathering input and utilizing the information to help educators understand community perceptions is a vehicle that has long been underutilized in schools. This article will examine the historical perspectives of involvement and communication and provide concrete suggestions for keeping all stakeholders informed about the continually changing landscape of education. The authors use communication about Common Core State Standards as an example for keeping stakeholders informed about school change. A historical perspective of Community Involvement in Schools In the long tradition of public education in the United States, community involvement has been largely superficial and more geared to volunteering in schools, supporting bond referendums, and providing a fund-raising mechanism to support enhancements to the school's programs. In addition, true community involvement has been perceived to be intrusive and often counter-productive to the purpose of the schools. There were, in the past, limited communication tools that did not allow for the instantaneous communication which we take for granted today. School newsletters and occasional articles in local newspapers provided some information and afforded some level of community support and perceived involvement in its schools.
doi:10.4148/2637-4552.1017 fatcat:aag4xmmsm5hpxmyhc47csl7nta