Predictors of Electoral Participation among Spanish and Latin American Undergraduates

José Juan Vázquez, Sonia Panadero, Ana B. García-Varela
2013 Sociology Mind  
This paper presents the results of a study of 709 undergraduates in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile, and Spain, countries with different developmental levels that held the first free elections following their respective dictatorships within a thirteen year span. The paper analyzes the electoral participation of undergraduates in relation to different factors. Results show a high electoral participation among Salvadoran, Nicaraguan, and Spanish undergraduates, while low turnout is observed among
more » ... ileans. The best predictors of electoral participation of undergraduates are related to their nationality, economic status, interest in politics, gender or living away from home.
doi:10.4236/sm.2013.31010 fatcat:ms2ukiatsvcsnhl6vvapq4s4xq