A Perturbative Approach to the Tunneling Phenomena

Fatih Erman, Osman Teoman Turgut
2019 Frontiers in Physics  
The double-well potential is a good example, where we can compute the splitting in the bound state energy of the system due to the tunneling effect with various methods, namely WKB or instanton calculations. All these methods are non-perturbative and there is a common belief that it is difficult to find the splitting in the energy due to the barrier penetration from a perturbative analysis. However, we will illustrate by explicit examples containing singular potentials (e.g., Dirac delta
more » ... als supported by points and curves and their relativistic extensions)that it is possible to find the splitting in the bound state energies by developing some kind of perturbation method.
doi:10.3389/fphy.2019.00069 fatcat:lxp5jgabdnaxfgr3dyf3cwybaq