Sole (Solea solea) in divisions 8.c and 9.a (Cantabrian Sea and Atlantic Iberian waters) [report]

New available data (landings) do not change the perception of the stock; therefore, the same catch advised for 2013 is considered valid for 2014. The advice for 2013 was (ICES, 2012): Based on the ICES approach to data-limited stocks, ICES advises that catches should decrease by 20% in relation to the last three year average. Due to the uncertainty in the landings data, ICES is not able to quantify the resulting catch. The advice for 2014 is the same catch advised for 2013 (even though its
more » ... can not be quantified), not that a further 20% reduction in catch be implemented.
doi:10.17895/ices.advice.18669920 fatcat:fkyhbmzmirdyxc7bs4cfq3yv4a