Hazmi Arief, Novia Dewi, Dan Yusri
2014 unpublished
This research aimed to determine contribution and base level fisheries sector, sustainability potention and forms of fishing effort management in Dumai according biological and economic aspects and form of capture fisheries institutional development in Dumai. This research used survey method by purposive sampling. The analysis method was conducted by Shift Share, Location Quotient, Bioeceonomic Model, Stakeholder Analysis, Policy Analysis (PRA), Descriptive Analysis of policy formulation for
more » ... tainable fishery resources development. Macroeconomic analysis indicated that fisheries sector was the development bases which provide significant contribution to economic growth of Dumai that was strongly influenced by activity of capture fisheries production so that can served as a regional economic development policy priorities. According to bioeconomy analysis of three products fisheries resources (shrimp, fish source, lomek), the utilization of fishery resources in Dumai. The result of this research also obtained optimal management regime by used MEY management or Sole Owner. Stakeholder involved in this policy were KKP, DPKP and local goverment. Policy analysis (PRA) based on Matrix Ranking concluded that carrying out the policy directives of quality development and human resources quality assosiated with development of training and educational programs for local fishermen in improvement of quality and value added of fishery product. This research concluded that the proper policy to be implemented in Dumai was optimal improvement / optimization the production of sustainable fishery resources through provision the conducive fishery facilities in order to increase participation and stakeholders synergy to prosperity. Optimization of fishery resources productivity need support of all stakeholders to achieve co-management in order to achieve public prosperity.