The Strengthening of Weight Heavy Alloys During Heat Treatment

M. Kaczorowski, P. Skoczylas, A. Krzyńska, J. Kaniewski
2012 Archives of Foundry Engineering  
The results of studies of W-Ni-Co-Fe experimental alloy, with chemical composition assuring a possibility of producing Ni-based supersaturated solid solution are presented. The alloy was prepared from tungsten, nickel, cobalt and iron powders which were first mixed then melted in a ceramic crucible where they slowly solidified in hydrogen atmosphere. Next specimens were cut from the casting and heated at a temperature 950°C. After solution treatment the specimens were water quenched and then
more » ... d for 20 h at a temperature 300°C. The specimens were subjected to microhardness measurements and structure investigations. The latter included both conventional metallography and SEM observations. Moreover, for some specimens X-ray diffractometry studies and TEM investigations were conducted. It was concluded that quenching lead to an increase of tungsten concentration in nickel matrix which was confirmed by Ni lattice parameter increase. Aging of supersaturated solid solution caused strengthening of the Ni-based matrix, which was proved by hardness measurements. The TEM observation did not yield explicit proofs that the precipitation process could be responsible for strengthening of the alloy
doi:10.2478/v10266-012-0110-1 fatcat:72okdcanwnctvg2qchg7tttl5i