Vulnerable Paths Assessment in Cloud for DDoS Attacks

Manas Tripathi, Arunabha Mukhopadhyay
2018 Americas Conference on Information Systems  
Cloud computing is a subscription-based technology which provides services to its users on demand basis. Companies are migrating towards cloud at a fast pace because it is based on 'pay-as-you-go' model. In cloud computing, resource management and maintenance are done by the Cloud Service Provider (CSP), and users can access these services from anywhere at any time through the internet. Unfortunately, with all these benefits, cloud computing is also prone to various security threats. These
more » ... ts are related to compromise of confidentially, integrity, and authentication (C-I-A). This, in turn, impacts the trustworthiness of the CSP. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can adversely impact the availability of a cloud computing service. DDoS floods the CSP with illegitimate traffic which may lead to congestion of its critical resources. Organizations may lose millions of dollars due to unavailability of services at the required time which may even force them to churn away to other CSPs. This will adversely affect the reputation of that CSP.
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