Observed parity-odd CMB temperature bispectrum

Maresuke Shiraishi, Michele Liguori, James R. Fergusson
2015 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics  
Parity-odd non-Gaussianities create a variety of temperature bispectra in the cosmic microwave background (CMB), defined in the domain: ℓ_1 + ℓ_2 + ℓ_3 = odd. These models are yet unconstrained in the literature, that so far focused exclusively on the more common parity-even scenarios. In this work, we provide the first experimental constraints on parity-odd bispectrum signals in WMAP 9-year temperature data, using a separable modal parity-odd estimator. Comparing theoretical bispectrum
more » ... s to the observed bispectrum, we place constraints on the so-called nonlineality parameters of parity-odd tensor non-Gaussianities predicted by several Early Universe models. Our technique also generates a model-independent, smoothed reconstruction of the bispectrum of the data for parity-odd configurations.
doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2015/01/007 fatcat:waur3dyekrci3lhg5nk56lhqp4