Evaluation in (XML) information retrieval

Benjamin Piwowarski, Georges Dupret
2006 Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval - SIGIR '06  
Standard Information Retrieval (IR) metrics assume a simple model where documents are understood as independent units. Such an assumption is not adapted to new paradigms like XML or Web IR where retrievable informations are parts of documents or sets of related documents. Moreover, classical hypotheses assumes that the user ignores the structural or logical context of document elements and hence the possibility of navigation between units. EPRUM is a generalisation of Precision-Recall (PR) that
more » ... aims at allowing the user to navigate or browse in the corpus structure. Like the Cumulated Gain metrics, it is able to handle continuous valued relevance. We apply and compare EPRUM in the context of XML Retrievala very active field for evaluation metrics. We also explain how EPRUM can be used in other IR paradigms.
doi:10.1145/1148170.1148218 dblp:conf/sigir/PiwowarskiD06 fatcat:un3klidpijhf7abcs3hjbdc4je