Performance Assessment Standard Approach Based on Form 1 Physical Education Secondary School Curriculum Standard

Norkhalid Salimin, Julismah Jani, Sanmuga Nathan Jeganathan, Mohd Izwan Shahril
2019 International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences  
The purpose of this study was to develop a standard school-based assessment module in Physical Education to evaluate the performance assessment standard of Form 1 students. In general, the research was conducted to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the Performance Assessment Standard Approach (PASA) Module in Form 1 Secondary School Standard Curriculum. Preexperimental study design was used in this study in three schools in Muslim district, Perak consisted of 235 Form 1 students using
more » ... rm 1 Physical Education Student Performance Standard instrument form (validity; r = .79 & reliability; r = .71). In overall, the achievement level of learning performance standards for learning aspects based on PASA for Unit 2 -Rhythmic Movement, Unit 4 -Volleyball, Unit 5 -Basic Athletics, Unit 6 -Recreation and Leisure were Good for all items, namely Thinking Strategies, Reasoning Skills, Critical Thinking Skills and Creative Thinking Skills. The findings also showed that there is a significant relationship between student achievement levels by learning unit. The study concluded that PASA could identify the achievement level holistically and comprehensively. The implication of the study suggested PASA instrument to be used as an alternative instrument to determine the student learning achievement level based on higher order thinking skills.
doi:10.6007/ijarbss/v9-i6/5926 fatcat:z4ksoxyy5rfwbbuzqm2o3zr4xm