Screening Tomato Varieties Based on Growth, Yield and Quality Attributes as Influenced by Different Organic Treatments

Avijit Dutta, Anik Kr, Adak
Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Food Technology   unpublished
The present investigation was conducted @ 15 days interval for four times instigated at 7 DAT. Several studied growth, yield and quality attributes of the crop were found to be significant among varieties and treatments or even in the cases of interaction effects between variety and treatment. The gradual rise of the level of organic inputs in different organically designed treatments revealed favourable results over yield and associated attributes of different varieties of the crop climaxed
more » ... h the highest yield (56.97 t.ha-1) and B: C ratio (7.77) in Swarna Lalima (V 2) under the exposure of T 4 treatment. When quality attributes were taken into account, it was observed that quality attributes had inverse relationship with yield of the crop culminated with higher TSS (7.93 0 Brix) in T 1 V 3 , lycopene (2.53 mg.100g-1) in T 2 V 1 and ascorbic acid (44.00 mg.100g-1) in T 2 V 3. From the present findings, it may be concluded that organic farming has greater potential to provide substantial amount of higher and quality yield of tomato if suitable variety and organic production package are to be harmonized properly.