Le sentiment d'injustice chez les jeunes d'une cité hlm

Éric Marlière
2006 Sociétés et Jeunesses en Difficulté  
The feeling of injustice amongst young residents of a working class housing estate This paper helps us understand the views held by the youth of a working class housing estate in the Paris suburbs on our institutions and society. It is based on participative observations and the transcriptions of informal discussions between the youngsters in their residential area. These youngsters are not a homogenous group because of age differences, schooling and also cultural practices which colour their
more » ... sion of our institutions and society. Students are mainly interested in the world of employment, which they consider discriminatory, delinquents feel that they are in conflict with the police and practicing Muslims dread the presence of intelligence services. However, despite different routes, these youngsters also share a common past based on migration, working class social origins and share the same residential space which, paradoxically, leads to a common perception where cynicism accompanies their views of the society in which they live.
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