Lipemia pós-prandial: influência do envelhecimento

Jaqueline Scholz Issa, Jayme Diament, Neusa Forti
2005 Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia  
Methods Triglyceride levels were measured in 3 conditions: after a 12-hour fast, and 2 and 6 hours after a standard meal containing 40 g of fat. Results The repeated-measures analysis of triglyceride levels showed a distinct behavior of the age groups throughout the 6 hours. The younger participants (GI) had a reduction in the triglyceride levels in the sixth hour; the elderly (GIII) had increasing values in the sixth hour; and those in the intermediate age group (GII) maintained their
more » ... ide levels, when comparing the second and sixth hours of blood collection. The differences in behavior were significant (P=0.01). Conclusion In a healthy adult population sample, aging influences the postprandial lipemia behavior.
doi:10.1590/s0066-782x2005001400004 pmid:16041449 fatcat:zgbjehmpzfdlvpptffq2rzsuvy