A Comparative Study on the Removal Technologies of Acetylsalicylic Acid from Water

Rekhapalli Sri Shreya, Geetha Kannan
2017 Oriental Journal of Chemistry  
Over the recent past, there has been a growing concern regarding the sources and effects of pharmaceutical products in the water bodies. Improper disposal of these medications have resulted in their accumulation in the environment and has eventually led to them contaminating the waters. The most common pollutant is aspirin and in this study, comparative treatment methods of aspirin in water were performed to identify the most suitable ,simple and cost effective quantitative method for its
more » ... l. The treatability of aspirin by Ozonation, Aeration, Adsorption, and Photo catalytic degradation were studied in batch processes and parameters influencing the process were optimized.
doi:10.13005/ojc/330660 fatcat:ltrebhsmonbsngg7r6pfuhv3ni