Protection of Parties In The Consumer To Consumer Business Model Using Social Commerce In Indonesia

2021 Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization  
This study aims to examine the extent of protection of parties in the consumer to consumer business model using social commerce in Indonesia. This study uses normative study methods accompanied by statute approach and comparative approach. Based on the study the authors showed that the application of the C2C business model using social commerce has a very large risk of bad faith actions. This is based on two main factors. First, there is still a lack of pre-emptive action taken by the platform
more » ... rovider (in this case Instagram) in verifying the identity and data of information related to businesses. Thus indicates that the platform is merely a provider of communication containers without any protection to consumers. Second, there is still a lack of small and medium-sized businesses that understand the importance of e-contracts in establishing alliance relationships with consumers. There are some suggestions recommended by the author, such as the identity of business actors, domicile, and track record of business actors that must be clearly listed through the certification of business actors increasing the knowledge of businesses related to the use of payment media that is friendly and accessible to consumers.
doi:10.7176/jlpg/107-11 fatcat:oehxgyvmavdk3puqfp4tqdxuoq