دور مرکز ضمان الجودة بجامعة الإسکندریة فی التحسین المستمر للأداء الأکادیمی والمؤسسی : دراسة تقویمیة
السعید سعد السعید الشامی
دراسات تربویة ونفسیة. مجلة کلیة التربیة بالزقازیق
The study aimed at evaluating the role of Quality Assurance Center (QAC) at Alexandria University in achieving the continuous enhancement of academic and institutional performance by identifying its nature, strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of both Center's directors (service provider); and the directors of Quality Assurance Units (QAU) at faculties and institutes (beneficiary of the service). The descriptive approach was adopted to monitor the phenomenon in its all dimensions.
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... -structured interviews" were used as the main tool of data collection in addition to "document analysis" of the official documents of the QAC and its website. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to a sample of 21 academics: 4 of them representing the members of QAC at Alexandria University -the service provider -(the director of the center and the three deputies), 17directors of QAU at faculties and institutes of the universitybeneficiary of the service -(8 from accredited faculties and institutes and 9 from non-accredited faculties and institutes). The study showed several results, the most important ones were: the agreement between the service provider and the beneficiary of the service on the success of the center in performing six of its assigned tasks. However, there was disagreement regarding the supervision of the internal audit system to faculties and institutes; whereas this function is thought to be done successfully by QAC directors, QAU directors see that the internal audit is geared towards "Paper Work". There was also agreement between the service provider and the beneficiary of the service on the failure of the center in performing three of its tasks, the most important of which was "to motivate and raise awareness among students to participate in various activities of QAC". There was also agreement between them on the strengths and weaknesses of internal quality assurance system at Alexandria University indicating that it focuses on continuous enhancement rather than accountability. The study ended up with a proposed perspective to promote the performance of QAC at Alexandria University in the continuous enhancement of academic and institutional performance.