Permaculture in Asia and the Pacific: A path towards Sustainability

Meenakshi Sinha Swami, Kavita Singh, S. P. Srivastava
2016 International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review  
A B S T R A C T Permaculture refers to permanent agriculture, or ecological agriculture, in which agricultural productivity is maintained year after year by maintaining soil nutrition naturally. It can be the finest solution for food security to the world permanently, without degrading the soil health through excessive use of inorganic nutrients, pesticides, weedicides, fertilizers etc. It conserves resources by recycling waste water and human produced organic waste, into the soil to maintain
more » ... s nutrient levels. Practices such as monoculture should be prevented and crop rotation should be practiced for sustainability and resilience. This researched article explores the concept of permaculture, sustainable and unsustainable practices regarding agriculture in Asia and the Pacific. The research paper provides analysis data for permaculture indicators for the nations in the region and finds many potholes on the pathway along with solutions for sustaining agriculture in Asia and the Pacific.
doi:10.20546/ijcrar.2016.402.004 fatcat:l6vj5lwarbdy3bbl6iwpj3mjzi