Exploring Physician Responsibilities to the Global Community

2009 Virtual Mentor  
In the past few decades, the pace of globalization-the phenomenon by which economies, as well as ideas, language, and culture become integrated worldwidehas drastically accelerated. Fueled by diminishing barriers to trade, greater ease of travel and transport, and widespread adoption of information technology including the Internet, the benefits and drawbacks of globalization continue to be debated on the international stage, with proponents and opponents clashing in ivory towers and on the
more » ... ets. Despite the controversy, few dispute that globalization has had a major impact on both the health of populations and the systems that provide health care. This issue of Virtual Mentor, titled Medicine in the Era of Globalization, explores issues faced by physicians, scientists, patients, students, and travelers in an increasingly globalized world. The global nature of this issue extends beyond its content to its contributing authors-many of whom work in countries around the
doi:10.1001/virtualmentor.2009.11.7.fred1-0907 pmid:23199379 fatcat:z6dmlmjjs5hj5aydfy2qdpikka