Design of the manipulator control system for charger complex for electric vehicles
Ihor Myhlovets, Yurii Shyrokyi, Nataliya Rudenko, Universitäts- Und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Martin-Luther Universität
The number of electric cars in the world is growing. Many analysts believe that a new era is beginning, in which electric cars mark the end of the oil era. However, despite the popularity of this alternative mode of transport, the age of "black gold" will continue for a long time, the other side is sure. Unlike traditional cars with internal combustion engines, electric cars can be refuelled wherever there is access to an electrical outlet. This facilitates infrastructure development. In
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... n, ongoing experiments with electric vehicle charging options show the prospects for new ways of charging, such as wireless charging in parking lots or traffic lights. Electric cars are gradually gaining popularity, but in order to be used nationwide, appropriate infrastructure is needed. The main problem of electric cars is their operational difficulties associated with the duration of travel on a single charge and low infrastructure under them. This is what prevents the full transition to this mode of transport. At present, different countries have different government programs to encourage both citizens to buy electric cars and entrepreneurs to develop charging station networks. Automated charging station systems are also gradually evolving. There are already charging station terminals with payment by bank card and other payment systems, but they operate on a self-service basis. To fully automate the charging process, it is not enough to connect the charging station to the electric car without human intervention. Wireless charging solves this problem, but at this stage of development, the power transmitted in this way is not always enough. The solution to this problem can be the installation of a manipulator arm on the charging station. The manipulator will determine the position of the car and insert the charging station socket into the machine plug, using sensors and machine vision.