Rules for Readers: U.S. Public Libraries in Search for the Golden Mean

Marina Y. Neshcheret
2018 Bibliotekovedenie [Library and Information Science (Russia)]  
The article presents an overview of their main provisions of the local regulatory documents governing the rules of conduct of readers in the public libraries of the United States. The aim of the article is to demonstrate that norms of behaviour are created to protect the rights, interests and safety of users of libraries and library staff. The article considers the standard structure and content of the regulatory documents. The main clauses of the document regulate the appearance of visitors,
more » ... ving food and drinks, using mobile phones; introduce the ban on smoking tobacco products, the use of wheeled vehicles; stipulate the terms of children's stay in the library; warn of the inadmissibility of aggressive behaviour. The article analyses the most acute problems associated with ensuring compliance with the rules of conduct and provides typical examples of violation of public order and legal norms. The author notes that libraries, which have always been the focus of humanistic values, became vulnerable to the challenges of the time. Today they are trying to find a compromise between the desire to provide quality resources and services to users and maintaining public order. To keep the balance in solving this difficult problem means constantly adjusting the rules of behaviour of readers in accordance with the changing realities of public life. Libraries are forced to make concessions, but at the same time keep in mind that the concessions allowed to users should not go beyond the limits of moral, ethical and legal norms.
doi:10.25281/0869-608x-2018-67-5-545-555 fatcat:ym2kxkhjhbgevbgeah5enf57ka