Research on the Technology of Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment

Chuan-guo Zhang
2018 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
The origin and character of pharmaceutical wastewater were summarized in this paper. And some popular disposal technologies used in wastewater treatment of pharmacies were introduced, such as physicochemical disposal process, bio-chemical disposal process and process of deeply oxidation at elevated temperature. Several mainstream in articles on this treatment method, for a detailed discussion of the process of adaptation to their overall costs and technical bottlenecks were summarized.
more » ... , operating parameters, residence time, reaction temperature, catalyst, secondary pollution and other technical details were within the scope of the discussion. At last, the technique gives a prospect of the market of pharmaceutical wastewater in our institutions.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/199/4/042005 fatcat:fhm7mnlnhjaj7lflefpfrwo7wm