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The U.S. Signal Service and Storm Signals
Scientific American
passage .of (1) laws pre3cribing reas.onable rates .of charges I gall.ons per dllY, and it is f.ound necessary t.o use some c.oal. This system is ('lne substantially the same as .one str.ongly .on the diffe�ent r�ilr?a�s, a!ld (2) laws t.o . corr�ct abuses a�� I The present supply .of gas is e g u <JJ to from two and a half t.o recommended by us s.ome time ag.o, c.onsisting in a series .of pr�vent unjust dlscnmm�tlOn and ex;tortlOn m the rates three tuns .of coal per day. The derrick and