The space evolution research of economic competition in Golden Delta Counties of the Yellow River

Li Xiaobo
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Informatisation in Education, Management and Business   unpublished
Based on the estimation of interestedly economic competition among counties of Golden Delta in the Yellow River from 2006 to 2012 by using the principal components analysis, method and Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis. The result demonstrates that economic competition of the majority of the regions is similar regions present gathering trend about space, resulting in imbalance of economic development which is amplifying now, and sharp economy-gathering promoted by natural endowment of economic
more » ... ssential factor. The area deficient in natural resource is poor. According to the strength of economic competition, the Golden Delta of the Yellow River is distinguished into four styles. The distribution of economic competition was inverted "V" shape which take the area of Linwei, area of Yaodu and the area of Hubing as endpoint, because of collapse of the Southeast, it evolutes into "C" shape which centres about the area of Yanhu.
doi:10.2991/iemb-14.2014.61 fatcat:4myxtqb62zgcjblunknphpu7ja